
Dr Subhadarsini Mohanty

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The college began to function since August 1979, initially housed in the Municipal City High School located in Rajabagicha,the nerve centre of the Cuttack City braced by the Baimundi Marg(ring road) along the city’s southern fringe and graced by the historic river Kathajodi. It started functioning with a dimunitive student strength in Humanities stream under the patronage, Munificence and stewardship of some local gentry and some prominent persons of this millennium Silver City who were deeply concerned with the lamentable lack of accomodation facilities in the realm of higher education to meet the demands of the fast growing number of aspiring students of the city.

The College Logo

The College Logo is an allusion to the values and the progressive thoughts of The Respected Leader, in highlighting the motto therein that avows in honour of the Motherland holding the essence of serving the Nation, in all capacities and capabilities asserting the Nationality and the Nationalism. While the atomic structure, the burning lamp and the opened book, represent the gaining knowledge to drive away the darkness of ignorance, the sailing boat represents the maritime heritage of Cuttack where the institution is located. The Image of The Respected Leader is in itself the source of our inspiration.

College Gallery